

Our Accessories

Campetelli Coffee is the result of a sweet harmony in the journey of the senses

We have designed a series of products that are unique in style and versatility for coffee lovers, and we have decided to make them available to those in the restaurant industry and all those who choose to consume our blends with style and elegance

Campetelli coffee cup

The Campetelli Cup

Campetelli cappuccino cup

Campetelli cappuccino cup
Campetelli milk jug

The Campetelli milk jug

Campetelli teapot

Campetelli teapot
Campetelli mug

The Campetelli MUG

The Campetelli napkin holder

Campetelli napkin rings
Campetelli glass cup

The Campetelli Glass Cup

The Campetelli glass tumbler

Campetelli glass

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